Central Excise, Ahmedabad-I |
http://www.cenexahmedabad.nic.in |
Customs Commissionerate - Ahmedabad |
http://ahmedabadcustoms.gov.in |
Central Excise and Customs, Aurangabad |
http://www.centralexciseaurangabad.gov.in |
Central Excise Bangalore |
http://centralexcisebangalore.kar.nic.in |
Customs -Bangalore |
http://kar.nic.in/blrcustoms |
Customs and Central Excise Commissionerate -Bhubaneswar |
http://www.ori.nic.in/cenexbbsr |
Central Excise & Customs - Calicut |
http://www.cenexcalicut.gov.in |
Commissionerates of Chennai-I / Chennai-II / Chennai-III |
http://centralexcisechennai.gov.in/ |
Customs - Chennai |
http://www.chennaicustoms.gov.in/ |
Customs - Cochin |
http://www.cochincustoms.nic.in |
Commissionerate of Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax Coimbatore |
http://cenexkovai.tn.nic.in |
Central Excise - Delhi Zone |
http://www.centralexcisedelhi.nic.in |
Commissionerate of Service Tax - Delhi |
http://www.servicetaxdelhi.gov.in |
Central Excise - Dibrugarh |
http://www.cexdibrugarh.gov.in |
Customs - Hyderabad |
http://hyderabadcustoms.ap.nic.in |
Indian Customs at IGI Airport, New Delhi |
http://www.igiacustoms.gov.in |
Customs and Central Excise Commissionerate - Jammu & Kashmir |
http://ccejk.nic.in |
Commissionerate of Customs (Preventive) – Jamnagar |
http://www.jamnagarcustoms.gov.in |
Custom House, Kandla |
http://www.kandlacustoms.org |
Commissionerate of Central Excise - Kanpur |
http://www.excisekanpur.nic.in |
Customs - Kolkata |
http://www.kolkatacustoms.gov.in |
Air cargo, Sahar, Mumbai |
http://www.accmumbai.gov.in |
Customs - Jawahar Customs House, Mumbai |
http://www.jawaharcustoms.gov.in |
Customs - Mumbai |
http://www.mumbaicustoms.gov.in |
Central Excise - Mysore |
http://www.centralexcisemysore.kar.nic.in |
Central Excise - Nagpur |
http://cenexcisenagpur.nic.in |
Central Excise Commissionerate – Puducherry |
http://www.pondycentralexcise.gov.in |
Customs - Pune |
http://www.punecustoms.nic.in |
Central Excise Commissionerate - Shillong |
http://cexstshillong.gov.in/ |
Central Excise Commissionerate - Surat-I |
http://www.excisesurat1.nic.in |
Customs - Tuticorin |
https://www.tuticorincustoms.org |
Central Excise Commissionerate - Vadodara-II |
http://www.excisevadodara2.nic.in |
Custom House - Visakhapatnam |
http://vizagcustoms.nic.in |